
Showing posts from June, 2021

Coronavirus details you need to know but avoid the myths

  Coronavirus details you need to know but avoid the myths           Coronavirus(COVID-19) ia an infectious disease caused by thr related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In human it cause respiratory track syndrome that can range from mild to murderous. First of all lets know few different between bacterial and viral infections. Bacteria and virus are the most common causes of diseases in human. Bacteria are single cell organism which are found all around us. Most bacteria are not harmful among them some are protective. However some are harmful and cause diseases. On the other hand Virus are parasitic, which means the need a live host in order to prevail. Viruses invade the cell of living organism including human. Although all viruses are potentially harmful, some can actually be beneficial.             Coronaviruses are the type of virus cause respiratory illness called as COVAID-19 which is a current pandemic in the worlds. Other coronaviruses can cause more ser