Biofertilizer and Cyano bacteria as biofertilizer

          Biofertilizer is a substances which contain living microorganisms which ,when applied to seed,plant surface or soil ,colonize the interior part of plant and promotes growth by increasing the supply of all nutrient for plantand  helps in increasing the quality and quantity of plant.
Cynobacteria as biofertilizer
Isolation of BGA:
          Algaligation it was japanese farmer who develop the technique for mass cultivation of BGA to be used as biofertilizer in paddy fields .Venkataraman(1961) coined the term algalization to denote the process of application of blue green algal culture in the field as biofertilizer.He iniated algaligation technology in india and demonstrate the way how this technology can be transferred to farmers .
Preparation of starter culture:
    First of all 5kg of surface paddy soil and water  were dilluted and kept in the tube containing fogg media maintaining the PH -7.Fogg media consist of
K2Hpo4-0.2g/lit,MgSO4.7H2O-0.2g/lit,CaCl2-0.05g/lit,NaHCO3-0.2g/lit,Agar-15g/lit,FeCl3-2drop and KNO3-0.2g/lit
After keeping the soil and water in fogg media maintain the temperature about 25-30 °C After 30-35 days the colony of BGA is seen and for purification ,multiplication,and identification a part of colony was removed by loop and transfer into new plate .After three week it transfer to tank.
Mass cultivation ;
1.prepared the cemented tanks shallow tray of ironsheet or polythene lined pits in an open area.Width of tank pits should not be more than 1.5m.This will facilitate the proper handling of culture .
2.Transfered 2-3 kg of soil from open fields and 100 gram of superphosphate.Water the pits to about 10cm height and mix the lime to adjust PH-7
2Ml of insecticides eg Malathion was spread to protect culture from mosquito .Mix well and allow to settled down the soil particless.
3.When water become clear ,sprinkle 100gm of starter inocolum on the surface of water.
4.When temperature remain between 30-35 during summer optimum growth of Cyanobacteria is achieved always maintain the water level 10cm during this period .
5.After drying the algal mat well get separated from the soil and from flakes.During summer about 1kg pure algal mat per m^2area is produced .These are collected ,powder ,kept in the sealed polythene bags and supply to farmers .
      10kg of powder is used in the one hector field.This biofartilizer increased 34%of productivity and field retained 30% of nitrogen fixation ability .
so finally this type of fertilizer are most useful for increasing the productivity of crops and also making the fields fertile .


  1. The most important role in biofertilizers is bacteria. Various types of bacteria used in the soil are Azolla, azospirillum, azotobacter, blue-green algae, and rhizobium.
    Azolla is well known for wetland cultivation like rice as it floats in water and fixes atmospheric nitrogen. Azospirillum is a very popular biofertilizer and is used as a disease-resistant and drought-tolerance biofertilizer. Azotobacter is a free-living nitrogen-fixing aerobic bacterium in which bacteria replicate at a very fast rate. Blue-green algae are also known as photoautotrophic prokaryotic algae that fix atmospheric nitrogen in moist soil. Rhizobium act as a natural fertilizer for plants as it fixes nitrogen from the air into the plants.
    All the biofertilizers made from the above-mentioned bacteria are available with IPL Biologicals.

  2. it is time that you should bring some change and should focus on getting the biofertilizer.


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