
Coronavirus details you need to know but avoid the myths

  Coronavirus details you need to know but avoid the myths           Coronavirus(COVID-19) ia an infectious disease caused by thr related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In human it cause respiratory track syndrome that can range from mild to murderous. First of all lets know few different between bacterial and viral infections. Bacteria and virus are the most common causes of diseases in human. Bacteria are single cell organism which are found all around us. Most bacteria are not harmful among them some are protective. However some are harmful and cause diseases. On the other hand Virus are parasitic, which means the need a live host in order to prevail. Viruses invade the cell of living organism including human. Although all viruses are potentially harmful, some can actually be beneficial.             Coronaviruses are the type of virus cause respiratory illness called as COVAID-19 which is a current pandemic in the worlds. Other coronaviruses can cause more ser

Mankading issue and Ashwin cheat

So basically you have seen so much of runouts or ambiguous decision in cricket .One of them is Mankad ie you can runout the batsman in non striker position while you are bowling .If the non striker leave the crease before you bowl then  you can take bell ups to dismissed the non striker which is called  as mankad. In 1947/48 indian bowler  Mulvantrai Himmatlal "Vinoo" run out australian Bill Brown by mankading in second test . As this types of issue are destroying the sprit of cricket.Yes its true that if the bowler does is deliberately to out the batsman then ie cheating .ICC should short out these problems quickly .You can mankad the batsman only when he leave the crease regularly before you were bowling .Firstly you warn him by the help of umpire then if he does same mistake then you can mankad him but in the case of Ashwin he plan this sort of things he wait Buttler to leave the crease before he was bowling that's show the cheating prospective of the bowler.In

Mycorrhiza and their importance

Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association between certain fungi and the roots of higher plants .The plants which suffer nutrient scarcity ,especially P and N develops mycorrhiza. Basically there are 3 types of mycorrhiza 1.Ectomycarrhiza:           It is found among Gymnosperms and Angiosperms .In short roots of higer plants ,generally roots hair are absent .Therefore  the roots are infected by mycorrhizal fungi which ,in turn,replace the root hair (if present ) and form a mantle .The hyphae grow intercellularly and develop harting net  in cortex. 2.Endomycorrhiza:           The morphology of endomycarrhizal roots after infection and establishment ,remain unchanged .Roots hair develop into a normal way. They also penetrate the cortical cell and get established intracellularly by secreting extracellular enzyme .They are of two types ie I .A.M. fungi(Arbescular Mycorrhizal fungi)-penetrate and profusely branches . ii.VAM(Vessicular Arbescular Mycorrhizal fungi)-produced swollen vassic

Inhibitors and its types

Agents which inactivates the enzyme activities is known as inhibitors.In other word the chemical substances which reduced the velocity of particular enzyme is called inhibitors.Basically they are of two type reversible and irreversible. reversible are of 3 types ie 1.Competitive inhibitors:         The activity of enzyme is inhibit by blocking to active site by an inhibitors substances .The inhibitors resemble the substrate molecule in its molecular organization instead of enzyme substrate.It depend upon the concentration of substrate and inhibitors.For example Malonic acid(an inhibitors) competes with Succinic acid for the enzyme succinic acid dehydrogenase .This enzyme catalysed the oxidation of succinic acid in the process of cellular respiration.Both succinic acid and malonic acid resemble a lot in their structure. 2Non competitive inhibitors:            In non competitive inhibitors the inhibitors doesn't compete for the active site of the enzyme but it attached itself on

Factors affecting enzymatic activities

Enzyme are biological catalysts which increase the rate of bichemical reactions. Factor affecting rate of reaction are as follow . 1.Enzyme concentration :        Enzyme molecules are larger than substrate molecules.In this system the substrate molecule are in relatively larger concentration as compared to the specific enzyme concentration ,the enzyme catalised reaction will be attened maximum speed .Further addition of substrate will have no effect on the reaction because all the active site of enzyme molecule have been saturated.Now,if the enzyme concentration increased and the substrate concentration is relatively higher in the system ,the rate of reaction will be increased .Again increase in the enzyme concentration will increase the rate of reaction ,but the time will be come when the rate will not increase due to the limiting effect of substrate concentration .Therefore enzymatic reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of  enzyme . 2.Substrate concentration :

Basic technique of plant tissue culture

Following steps are used for plant tissue culture 1.In vetro lab:        For in vitro culture a well equipped lab is require which must have a media room for nutrient medium preparation ,sterilization of glass,metal as well as others .Given facility are found on those lab are as follow . I.Nutrient medium preparation ,sterilization and storage of supplies ii.An artificial environment is require for the growth and development of culture plant . iii.Observation and evaluation of culture as hoped. Equipment for these culture       Refrigerator,hot air ovan,Autoclave,Normal temperature balance,Normal chemical balance ,Microscope,PH meter,hot plate,gas stove/heater ,hot plate with regulator ,magnetic stirrer,water dissolution plant. Apparatus required : Test tube(20cc-2000cc),Measuring cylinder (5-1000ml),pipette(0.01-10ml),petri dish(4-8inches ),conical flask(50-3000ml),volumetric flask for storing chemicals50-500ml). Others:   Pointed forceps,blunt forceps,scalples,seissors,fin

Biofertilizer and Cyano bacteria as biofertilizer

Biofertilizer:           Biofertilizer is a substances which contain living microorganisms which ,when applied to seed,plant surface or soil ,colonize the interior part of plant and promotes growth by increasing the supply of all nutrient for plantand  helps in increasing the quality and quantity of plant. Cynobacteria as biofertilizer Isolation of BGA:           Algaligation it was japanese farmer who develop the technique for mass cultivation of BGA to be used as biofertilizer in paddy fields .Venkataraman(1961) coined the term algalization to denote the process of application of blue green algal culture in the field as biofertilizer.He iniated algaligation technology in india and demonstrate the way how this technology can be transferred to farmers . Preparation of starter culture:     First of all 5kg of surface paddy soil and water  were dilluted and kept in the tube containing fogg media maintaining the PH -7.Fogg media consist of K2Hpo4-0.2g/lit,MgSO4.7H2O-0.2g/lit,CaCl